Magnum Photos-Owen Sampson

 One of the photographers that instantly caught my eye was Patrick Zachamann born on August 18, 1955, he is a photographer and filmmaker who travels across the country with his projects following a long showing of major events in the places he goes to and showing key things he wants to show to his audience. In his filmmaking career, his most famous piece is Du Cote de chez Fred according to IMDb.

The picture that made me decide on writing about him was this picture that was taken in Seoul, South Korea, in 2004. I have always been fascinated by Asian city life and how brightly lit places in some cities will be. This scenery pulled me in as if I were there from what it looks like a cloudy day and the bright signs and how sharp this photo is showing the details of the place really well bring me to feel welcomed in such a place that I have never been in before.
